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  • Ana Morais Architect

    1975, Alvor, Portugal

    Education - 2002, Degree in interior design by the Architecture School at the Lisbon Technical University, Portugal. 2004, Degree in Architecture by the Lusíada University, Lisbon, Portugal.
    Work Experience - 2013, founded the company Connective Architects, Lda. 2006-2011, Under the partnership with Arch. Luís Cachola, creates the architectural firm “Ana Morais & Luís Cachola, Arquitectos Associados, Lda". In this office undertook a wide range of projects, from single family houses to large urbanization plans.   2008-2009, Moved to Benguela city, Republic of Angola, for the development of several architectural projects (works included in the reconstruction of the country), under the agreement between the Portuguese firm Ana Morais & Luís Cachola, arquitectos associados, Lda and the Angolan firm Consult, sociedade angolana de estudos e projectos, Lda. 2007, Collaboration with Souza Oliveira, Arquitectura e Urbanismo, Lda. and Opera - Design Matters, under the responsibility of Ana Morais & Luís Cachola, associated architects, Ltd., in the development of the urbanization plan, called Field of Peace, Luanda, Republic of Angola. 2002-2006, Regular collaboration with the Arch. Luís Cachola in the development of several architectural projects. 2003, Collaboration in the architectural firm Moitinho & Azevedo Arquitectos, Lda. 2003, Collaboration in the architectural firm Pedra Silva Arquitecto, Lda. 2001, Development of the architectural project to accommodate the interpretive center of Boca do Rio (archaeological site), in the Divisão de Salvaguarda, of the Direcção Regional de Faro of the Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico.  

  • Luís Cachola Architect

    1971, Elvas, Portugal

    Education - 2004, post graduation degree in sustainable architecture by Architecture Faculty of Lisbon Technical University. 1995, degree in Architecture by Lusíada University, Lisbon, Portugal.
    Work experience - 2013, founded the company Connective Architects, Lda. 2011, was invited by Proplano, studies and projects office, Ltd., to join the team project as architect in charge of the Corvo airport extension, azores, Portugal. 2008-2009, under the partnership between the companies, Ana Morais & Luís Cachola, arquitectos associados, and Consult, Sociedade Angola de Estudos e Projectos, Lda, moved to Benguela, Republic of Angola, for the development of several architectural projects (housing, public buildings, services and hotels). 2007, Collaboration with Souza Oliveira, arquitectura e urbanismo, Lda. and Opera - Design Matters, under the responsibility of Ana Morais & Luís Cachola, arquitectos associados, Lda., in the development of the urbanization plan, called Field of Peace, Luanda, Republic of Angola. 2006, with Arch. Ana Morais, creates the architectural firm Ana Morais & Luís Cachola, arquitectos associados, Lda. 2003, creates his own architectural studio, located in Elvas (Portugal). 2002, Joins the Heritage Protection Department, at Faro Regional Directorate of the Portuguese Institute of Architectural Heritage. 1998, joins the project team, responsible for the airport terminals extension of Funchal and Faro Airport, in the Aviation Infrastructure Department at ana, Portugal airports. 1997 (Sep), joins the GCV architectural team, responsible for the extension projects update of Funchal Airport.

  • TEAM

    This group is the result of the convergence of affinities, and professionally complementary expertise, which over the years have created highly diversified experience in various technical areas, in particular land-use planning, urban planning, safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage, landscape architecture, and architecture design. In consequence is created a multidisciplinary dynamic planning platform, with the capacity to answer to a wide range of applications in project field, from small to large scale projects, or in related areas such as work supervision or specialized technical advice.